Get community service hours fast with a variety of opportunities

with Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles

About this event

Website Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles

Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles has ongoing volunteer opportunities.

Volunteer Opportunities include:
* photography
* community outreach
* phone/sales in store
* packing/unpacking donations
* social media
* graphics design
* moving furniture

Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles is an economic development project of the African People’s Education and Defense Fund (APEDF). APEDF strives to develop and institutionalize programs to defend the human and civil rights of the African community and the address the grave disparities in education, health, health care and economic development faced by the African community.

For details about this opportunity, email

WHEN: Anytime throughout the year
Alameda County
3742 Grand Ave Oakland, California 94610

Volunteer credit is offered

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