- Anywhere

Website Teens Teach Technology
During these unprecedented times, it is important to stick together, while still social distancing from each other. We use technology, from iPhones to computers, and pretty much any device we can get our hands on, to communicate with our family and friends. However, many don’t realize that a whole generation of people all around the world are being left out of this age of rapidly improving technology… the older adults. They have never learned how to use many of these gadgets and are often left behind without any opportunities to learn how to use basic technology. To solve this issue, we created this Youth Organization to help seniors and adults that struggle with technology, as we teach online lessons through nursing homes and libraries. Our lessons range from basic to advanced skills in phones and computers, including daily applications, social media, etc. Each of our slideshow presentations are personally customized to fit our audience’s needs.
For details about this opportunity, visit docs.google.com.