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Website Sutro Stewards
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83622430544?pwd=Ui9GamdSMW9rYXpoS1BVZjlPUi9Hdz09
Nature in your Neighborhood!
Standing Virtual Volunteer Event
A collaboration between Hands on Bay Area and Sutro Stewards
We are so excited to announce the launch of a new virtual volunteer opportunity created in partnership with Hands on Bay Area and Sutro Stewards. Nature in Your Neighborhood is an interactive, virtual program where we challenge you to go out into your backyards or neighborhoods to learn more about the plants that grow around you. There is an emphasis on California native plants, but all are welcome. Volunteers will attend an orientation with Sutro Stewards staff to learn how to identify Bay Area native and invasive plants and their impact on our local environment. We will supply you with all the resources you need to learn about the plants around you. Volunteers will then be tasked to venture into their backyards and neighborhoods to flex their new identification skills. You can create a short video about your plants, take photos and do a write up for our blog or create any other creative content for Sutro Stewards’ use on social media platforms. Develop your own green thumbs and learn about the environment in your backyards and neighborhoods! Volunteers will be given three – four days to complete their short videos and return for a final debrief and reflection!
Orientation to the virtual project will be Saturday at 10:00am where will introduce you to the project. A final group share out will be the next Tuesday at 5:00pm where you get to share your findings with your community. Please have all content ready for submission by 4:00pm on Tuesday.
Please RSVP to receive welcome materials.
For details about this opportunity, visit www.sutrostewards.org.