- Anywhere

SAY San Diego, INC.
Do you want to:
- Act in the role of a juror during court hearings?
- Help get teens back on track
- Learn about the justice system?
- Obtain community volunteer hours for school?
The role of this volunteer is to serve on a peer jury panel to impose a fair sentence on first time misdemeanor juvenile offenders. Jurors participate by listening to the case facts, asking questions and deliberating to come up with a set of requirements for the offender. Teen Court utilizes best practices of restorative justice (usually focusing on: repairing the harm, accountability and skill building). Jurors receive support/help/guidance from volunteer judge(s), Case Assistant(s) and the SAY San Diego Teen Court Case Manager/Staff.
Main area for recruitment: City Heights and Chula Vista. Other targeted zip codes include: 92101, 92102, 92103, 92104, 92105, 92113, 92114, 92115, 92116, 92134, 92136, 92139, 92149, 92174, 92182, 91910 and 91950.
- Must be at least 14 and in high school
- Orientation and training
- One year commitment
For details about this opportunity, email ybarragan@saysandiego.org