- Anywhere

Website Rohnert Park Animal Services
Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering with us! We rely heavily on volunteers to give the animals the quality of care that we feel is important and to do be able to offer all the programs that we do. We depend on our volunteers and expect you to take this commitment seriously. Please take some time to read through the various volunteer opportunities available at the animal shelter and see if there is a position that interests you and if you can meet the requirements and commitment we ask. Those 18 years of age and older should fill out the “Adult Volunteer Application.” Those between the ages of 12 and 17 should fill out the “Junior Volunteer Application.” For safety reasons, we cannot accommodate volunteers under the age of 12. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Volunteer Coordinator at volunteerwithanimals@rpcity.org or 707-584-2971. Thank you again so much for your interest. We hope to see you volunteering at the animal shelter soon!
School Required Community Service: 2-20 hours
No application required – just sign up online and start volunteering!
If you are doing volunteer work as part of a school requirement, we recommend that you start with our School Required Community Service Program. This opportunity is for students from age 12 to 17. Information, including specific dates and times for these volunteer opportunities, can be found on Sign-Up Genius at www.tinyurl.com/jvschool. The type of volunteer work in this position varies depending on the current needs of the shelter. It could be anything from cleaning a storage shed to weeding our dog exercise fields. Once your school required community service hours have been completed you can apply for our on-going Junior Volunteer program to stay on as a shelter volunteer if desired.
Junior Volunteer Program – 20+ hours (limited positions available)
We know you love animals and are eager to help out. We appreciate your enthusiasm but need to make it clear from the beginning that if you volunteer here, it will be work! For JV’s we ask a minimum commitment of 2 morning shifts each month for at least 6 months.
Shifts are from 9:00am–12:00pm and are available seven days a week including holidays!
Keeping the animals clean and healthy is our first priority. Junior Volunteers assist in the day-to-day care of our animals including keeping up with the loads of laundry, washing dishes, restocking supplies and all the little details that keep a shelter running smoothly. As time permits (remember, cleaning is the priority), socializing with the animals is the reward when all the work is done! The animals are petted and played with and given that extra attention that is so important for the mental well-being of a confined animal. We are here seven days a week; you can do your hours on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and any day during school breaks. The Junior Volunteer program requires submitting an application and attending an orientation and training before you can begin.
For details about this opportunity, visit rpanimalshelter.org.