- Anywhere

Website virtualaplus Power Scholars Online Tutoring
We are a non-profit organization providing free tutoring!
The Power Scholars team will get back to you in a span of 24 hours!
Our website: www.powerscholars.org We are a virtual tutoring nonprofit and we are in need of volunteers to tutor students that sign up. Our sessions range from Pre-K to 12th grade so you will find an area you can tutor in! Our subjects covered are all core subjects. You can work with the same students on a pre-scheduled basis or can work as an on-demand tutor!
How This Helps Our Community
This project will impact our community due to the fact that we will be providing free tutoring to students that cannot afford it themselves or for those that do not have adequate resources. This will help make a child’s education which is a wonderful thing. *High school volunteer opportunity* Service hours are verified for any school use! Questions? Email: executive.powerscholars@gmail.com
Skills Needed
For details about this opportunity, visit www.powerscholars.org.