- Anywhere

Website Marina Del Rey
Do you love animals? Do you want to make a difference in their lives? If you are driven by the desire to help Found Animals reduce shelter euthanasia and increase pet adoption, then we look forward to meeting you. Our offices provide support for our many programs and we need dedicated volunteers who can perform office related tasks to ensure that our mobile sterlization clinic, our adoption programs, and our micrchip registry are running smoothly.
We have a variety of ongoing office projects:
Registry Department Help:
The Registry team would like help building their microchip test kits, which are sent out with their product. Volunteers would sew test kits together. This involves sewing a laminated plastic card and three small plush animals to a lanyard. It also involves using needles to insert microchips into the small plush animals. Sewing skills are not required!
Microchip Shipments:
Our registry team is in need of help once a month with large shipments of Microchips! These boxes are very light weight (around 1-2lbs) and need to be moved a short distance from our front door to storage areas in the office. If you love playing Tetris and want a bit of exercise please let us know!
Data Management Projects:
The Registry team would like some help with a Data Management Project! You would be working with Excel to set up spreadsheets which will be used to import data into NetSuite, our data tracking program. This project does not require prior experience with Excel as training will be provided as needed. If you are available please let us know when you’d like to attend. They could really use your help!
This opportunity is for ages 16 and up.
For details about this opportunity, visit www.volunteermatch.org.