- Anywhere

Kaiser Permanente Home Care - Orange County, California
Do you need community service hours? Would you enjoy helping to make a difference in the life of an elderly or terminally ill patient? We at Kaiser Home Care/Hospice have the perfect opportunity for you. If you are between 16-18 consider opportunities in our Tustin office of Orange County.
Once application and approval is made, a mandatory 4 hour training is required as well as a commitment to serving 50 hours per year with our Kaiser Home Care/Hospice program. We accept volunteers starting at age 16 and up. Junior Volunteers under the age of 18 can come as a group or individual and are able to work in our Tustin office or work on projects from home. Those above 18 may work in the office, or with additional training are able to visit patients in their home.
Contact- Debbie King Volunteer Coordinator email preferred at Deborah.A1.king@kp.org
For details about this opportunity, email Deborah.A1.king@kp.org