- Anywhere

Jewish Family Service San Diego
Residents in Skilled Nursing Facilities have been particularly affected by COVID-19. With all facilities currently prohibiting any visitation with the exception of end of life, many of the residents have found themselves even more lonely and isolated than before. Our hope is to provide a warm hello with a hand written or hand decorated card to remind them they are not forgotten and we are all thinking about them every day. Our goal is to deliver 6,815 cards for each of our clients in the 88 care facilities we serve. Would you help us?
Do I need to supply my own cards? No. JFS ordered plenty of cards so that you do not need to supply your own! To the access JFS-ordered cards, you will coordinate with a Patient Advocacy staff member to establish a pick-up date and time, and the number of cards you would like to pick up. *Our Patient Advocacy teams strongly recommends that you use JFS cards. However, if you are unable to pick up cards, you may use your own materials.
Can my family and friends help? Of course! The more the merrier!
How many cards do I have to write? As many as you’d like! You can write 1, 5, or 100! We are simply grateful for your support.
How do I get the finished cards to JFS? Please mail the cards to JFS or deliver them – more instructions will be given after signing up.
Should I sign the card? We kindly request that you do not include your name as this may cause confusion for some clients.
Is there anything I should avoid? Please do not sign your name on the cards as this causes confusion for clients. Please do not write “Get well.” Unfortunately, this is not a reality for some of our clients. When complete, please put each card in its own unsealed/unmarked envelope.
For details about this opportunity, visit jfssd.galaxydigital.com.