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Website Humane Society of the North Bay
Volunteers play an essential role at HSNB, and we appreciate everything you do for us! Our volunteers help hundreds of animals each year through dog walking, cat socializing and play time; administrative support; foster care; assisting at adoption events and many other opportunities. Volunteers help out anywhere from 1-2 days per week to 2-3 hours per month. Whatever time you have available will make a difference in the lives of our animals.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Dog walking & socializing
Cat play time & socializing
Outreach events
Clerical & office work
Animal care, cleaning, and feeding
Facilities & grounds maintenance
Foster care
Marketing, graphic design, and public relations assistance
Volunteers under the age of 16 must have a parent present.
Each minor (under the age of 18) needs to have a waiver signed by the parent before starting the volunteer program.
All volunteers must sign a waiver of liability, and attend a one-hour orientation before volunteering.
To sign up for the volunteer orientation register for a session on our website.
For details about this opportunity, visit hsnb.org.