- Anywhere

Website Helping Hands
Helping Hands serves the communities of San Bernadino. We are open 5 days a week and needing a variety of skills. Volunteers are needed in these categories:
Have a green thumb? We have a large garden where volunteers are needed to adopt a day to help maintain and harvest the vegetables (peppers, squash, broccoli, etc.) that are grown for our neighbors in need. If you enjoy gardening, volunteers are needed to weed, feed, plant, harvest, and maintain the garden. Volunteers can also help harvest fruit from local orchards. The harvest is left with a neighbor or delivered to the warehouse. Volunteers can help any day during daylight hours.
If you have extra fresh vegetables and fruits from your own gardens, we will gladly accept your donations at our San Bernardino warehouse.
The garden we operate is located at:
Chestnut Garden
1106 Chestnut
Redlands CA 92373
Living On The Streets
Needs Volunteers for new and expanded routes!
Volunteers in Living on the Streets are needed to use our mobile food bank to help deliver food to the homeless for three hours one day a week or more, if possible. The hours to volunteer are 6:45 am to 10:45 am. You start and end at our warehouse. We require a weekly commitment for this position where you volunteer the same day every week.
The main office could use volunteers with office skills and business skills to help implement, maintain, and track various programs. Volunteers will help with phone calls, filing, fundraising, and other general office duties. Those with skills in graphic design, IT, accounting, writing, and editing are also needed. This is primarily 7-3:30 M-F, but can be any hours any day.
Student Food Assistance Program
Volunteers deliver food to college and grad students on Thursday using their own vehicle to deliver to a small area. This starts at our warehouse where you place bags in the trunk of your vehicle and deliver to several locations all in the same geographic area. We also have opportunities to deliver to disabled and elderly clients. These positions require a long-term weekly commitment.
Open 5 days a week and needing a variety of skills. Truck drivers, mechanics, tradesmen, and people to help us sort and bag food.
2205 S. Artesia St
San Bernardino, CA 92408
For details about this opportunity, visit helpinghandspantry.org.