- Anywhere

Website https://twitter.com/globalcolabnet Global Co Lab Network
The Global Co Lab Network empowers teens to be change makers.
Teens, do you want to be a change-maker?
Join other passionate teens working globally with adult mentors – in virtual meeting rooms to collaborate on what you can do in your own community to address one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – we focus on each of the topics below; if you are interested in becoming a member, join our SDG Hub orientation meeting to learn how the hubs work and be introduced to the Hub you are interested in!
Specifically, our hubs focus on arts, climate, gender equality, hub para hispanohablantes, mental wellness, plastics, quality education, racial justice, wildlife conservation, Turkish speaking, and zero hunger.
Email info@globalcolab.net if you have any questions!
For details about this opportunity, visit docs.google.com.