- Anywhere

Website Central Lutheran Church
Can you break down boxes, or unpack bags and re-sort foods that were set up to go out but didn’t? Or do you like mixing the disinfectant concentrate and spraying down tables, or sweeping up the floors? How about Packing up Pop-ups and tables and putting away leftovers into fridge, freezer, or shelves?
CLEAN UP is a critical piece of our Food program. And when we have worked hard to serve, it’s very hard to keep going another 1-2 hours to clean up.
We run a Food Distribution every week on Mondays (and it shifts to Wednesday when there’s a Monday holiday). On the 1st, 3rd and 5th Mondays, we get lots of boxes dropped off from LA Food Bank, and we bag them and get them out to the people. We have a separate listing to help with the Distribution. And our volunteers for that program arrive at 11 am and work 110% through the heat (or cold) to get the food ready and out to our hungry neighbors, in one of the poorest neighborhoods in the San Fernando Valley!
But some people are great at the clean-up, so we invite you to help!
Maybe our distribution schedule is too long for you, or maybe this is “your thing”. PLEASE plan to help us keep this program going by volunteering for the Clean-up Team!
You must be 15 or over. Must wear mask (we can provide) and gloves when handling food. Closed toed shoes mandatory.
For details about this opportunity, email Pastor.CentralLutheranVN@gmail.com