Make cards for hospitilized kids

with Cards for Hospitalized Kids

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Website Cards for Hospitalized Kids

The only rule regarding craft supplies is that nothing is excessive to the point of falling off. This is extremely important, as it can create health concerns for some patients. To see if this is an issue, typically just running your finger over it and seeing how much rubs off will suffice. If little or nothing comes off, it is OK.

Since we do not yet know the child’s name, please make sure you do not address the card to a specific person.

At the request of hospitals, we you not to write “Get well”, “Feel Better” or other illness related comments. This is very important since some of the patients suffer from medical conditions that are chronic, life-long, progressive and/or terminal.  We recommend that you write uplifting messages.

WHEN: Flexible to your schedule

Volunteer credit is not offered

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