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Website Best Friends Animal Society
Best Friends Animal Society is looking for a video producer and editor who loves crazy cat videos and can watch doggos playing all day long! We’re looking for someone to produce fun content for our YouTube channel to support our engagement goals. The more people we engage, the more animals we can save!
If you have video production and editing skills and experience, we’d love to hear from you!
Check out all the details of this volunteer position here: https://bestfriends-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/kimbeck_bestfriends_org/EbXkAGv1ADZFg3KmWMCgofEBYAJSb7UPNo-L73zoD62IQw?e=oRSIrL
Thank you for helping to Save Them All!
Black, Indigenous, People of color and LGBT individuals are strongly encouraged to volunteer.
Must be 18+, however volunteers under 18 MAY be considered!
For details about this opportunity, visit bestfriends-my.sharepoint.com.