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Website BeachLex
Beachlex is a high school run international unincorporated nonprofit organization dedicated to providing knowledge and promoting awareness about our oceans and the creatures that live within them. They do this through the journal on our website where our team of writers create weekly entries that discuss various ocean-related topics, ranging from articles about sea creatures to articles about climate change and pollution within our oceans. They also have daily instagram posts that highlight interesting facts about various sea creatures as well as capture the natural beauty of the Cape and Islands. We organize fundraisers throughout the year and all of our proceeds go to the Ocean Conservancy. The goal of this is to raise as much awareness as possible for the vibrant ecosystem of creatures that exists within our oceans. Contact them if you are interested in becoming a writer. If you work together now, it is still possible to reverse the damaging effects that humans have had on the oceans. Help them make a difference today!
For details about this opportunity, visit docs.google.com.